USTA Zone Team Champioships

 This week I am coaching at the USTA BG14 Zone Team Cham[pionships at Kalamazoo (Zonals)o.  The event is being held at Western Michigan University.  The USTA breaks the country up into 4 zones.  Sections are assigned a certain number of spots at their Zonal site.  From there, the section  - Eastern Section in our case - invites its top players to apply.  Each section has a quota.  The highest ranked players to accept the invitations from that section go to Zonals.  From there, the players are waterfalled into teams with the highest ranked player on the first team, 2nd highest on the 2nd team ... the 12th highest ranked player on the 12th team, the 13th ranked player on the 12th team, the 14th ranked player on the 11th team, etc.  Players met their teammates, and we held our first practice yesterday.  Matches start today.  There are 6 Boys Singles and 6 Girls Singles in a match.  In addition, there are 2 Boys Doubles, 2 Girls Doubles, and 2 Mixed Doubles.  I will be reporting on Zonals all this week.

                     Western Michigan University - Sorenson Courts


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