Level 7 (518 Series) - Bethlehem

Bethlehem showed us why it's a hotbed of local junior tennis.  Fifty-Six juniors turned out for the Level 7 tournament there today - the next to last stop before the season-ending championships on August 27 at the Saratoga YMCA.

The 14 and Under Boy's Division was won by Roger Sheng.  Runner up was Aneesh Jakkamsetti.  On the Girl's side, Clare Dooley defeated Isabel Amurao in the Finals.

The Boy's 18 & Unders was won by Aaditya Ojha.  He defeated Henri Pothier in the Finals.  The Girl's 18 Division was won by Hope Brown, who beat Jolie Chichak in the Finals.  


Congratulations to Beth Kellerman and Scott George for running a great junior tennis event.

The last qualifying event is next weekend at SPORTIME.  The TRICIA Junior Tennis Tournament.  Sign up is through the TRICIA website - CLICK HERE


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