Summer Junior Team Tennis - Northern Region


The Outdoor / Summer JTT league is now open for registration on Tennislink (  The name of the league is Capital District JTT Summer 2022Please try to get your teams registered by 5/26/22 so that I can generate a schedule and get the kids on the courts.  If you have any questions or issues with registering your team please let me know--happy to help with registration and troubleshooting.  Once you have your team registered, registering the kids on the team can follow!


We have the following divisions in our summer league:

  • 18A (advanced)
  • 18B (intermediate)
  • 14U
  • 12U (yellow ball)
  • 10U (orange ball; if teams would rather play green ball when they're playing each other, depending on the kids' experience, that's also fine)


At this point, our first day of matches at Central Park will likely be June 5th.  If there are teams ready to play prior to that, I will work with the other captains and try to get a scrimmage or match scheduled for you.


Please send me a quick email after you register your team to confirm that I have your team recorded.  I have to approve each team once they are entered.  


I will send out additional player registration information and league rules in the near future.  The cost to register a team is $0. The family’s cost to register each player is $20.  The cost to play matches is just a can of balls per team (i.e., teams are responsible for bringing a can of balls to each match; it's usually easiest to have each player assigned to bring a can to a match).


Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Spread the word about Outdoor/Summer JTT!     


Beth Pattison  (518-727-6994)


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