Going Green - Green Ball that is

There are not a lot of highly competitive opportunities for our region's top Green Ball tournament players. 

We host about 10 Green Ball tournaments a year and an Early Development Camp.  We do have an active Junior Team Tennis program, but if you look closely, you see that many of the matches are not competitive.  Players looking to compete in higher-level tournaments in the 12s and 14s did not have a match play program to prepare them for higher-level tournaments until now.  This weekend we played the first matches in the new Sportime Green Ball League.  The players get to play competitive matches – first to 2 sets, six games with ADS, and a tiebreaker for the third set.  Kennedy and Brooklyn Kelling both said, "It was challenging, and it was fun."  

A competitive Green Ball Tournament program is the next step in building up tennis in the Northern Region.  Our current group of 12 and under players may be the most successful age group we have seen in the area.  The goal is to help the next group of kids be even more successful.  A big step is giving them more opportunities to compete in full 2 set matches, which are very competitive.

I look forward to seeing how well these players do in the years.


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