We have already experienced 90-degree days this year, and more will come. As tennis players, we need to take the sun seriously. Both Dehydration and Sun Exposure can be deceptive. Often, the effects of sun exposure are cumulative. When it’s 90 degrees out, and we are fine, we think we will be alright because it will only be 85 degrees out tomorrow. I have first-hand experience with the cumulative effects of the sun. Several years ago, I coached 16 and Under Zonals at the University of Texas at Austin. On the second day, we came back from our match to find that one of the Eastern boys on one of the other teams had gotten heat stroke – Eastern Section players were divided into three teams. His parents told me he had to get three bags of IVs in the ambulance. On Day 3, it was our turn. One of my players came over to me on a changeover and said, “Coach, I don’t feel too good.” He wasn’t walking normally, and he looked letharg...