August Ten and Unders
Another day, another junior tournament. This time it was the 10 & Unders, and there was a lot of great Orange Ball, and Green Ball tennis played. Antonio Boncordo showed that he is ready to step up from Orange Ball to Green Ball. Antonio powered through the Orange Ball draw, barely losing a game. He will also be playing the Yellow Ball WTN Banded Event. Aiden Paul added to his trophy collection, too – he finished second. The Kelling twins kept up the winning family tradition in the Girl’s Green Ball Division. Brooklyn came in first, and Kennedy came in second. A lot of exciting tennis was played in the Boy’s Green Ball Division. Nathaniel Russaliah beat out Shawn Mendonca in Group 1, and Ronith Arvind beat Andrew Liu in Group 2. Ronith went on to win the Group 1/Group 2 playoff 4-1, 4-1. The next Ten and Under tournament will be held on September 11th.